Home Interior Change


It’s official! I am absolutely going mental! Because of the weather conditions in Dallas the past few weeks I haven’t had the chance to leave my home as much as I would like. Instead, I have filled my days on the computer, watching TV, cleaning, looking after my dog, cooking, and other odd jobs. However, I need sun and I need out of this house! I totally understand how Big Eadie and Little Eadie went crazy – no one can stay inside one home for over a week without starting to lose their marbles. Since I have had time to waste I have spent a lot of hours on the computer getting inspired by home decor (you may remember my post on Barbara Bestor). Not that I am in the market to change my living quarters but when you work from home and are forced inside for a good amount of time you begin to need a change. Since I love moving things around I decided to change out a few pieces from different rooms in the house. I think it looks great (photos to come) but the hubs was a bit surprised to come home from a week long work trip to see a dresser in the living room and our master bedroom benches as a coffee table. However, one must think outside the box (or is that just my completely stir crazy brain talking?). One thing I discovered I love that this house is lacking? A beautiful bookcase! The more I pinned the more I realized how much I loved the look of a bookcase which then reminded me of these photos I took at the Goss Michael Foundation with Krystal. Isn’t this bookcase dreamy? Although I don’t have near enough books to completely fill it, I love their use of magazines! Totally inspired! Now I just need some Vitamin D and fresh air!

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photos shot by Krystal Schlegel

Journey to Growth

I love getting deep with those I am meeting or those I already know. I find surface conversation and small talk to be an absolute bore. I know both are bound to happen in life and are unavoidable but really, if I can, I try to.  I really love to meet, learn about or from, and connect with interesting people who have more to say than, “Oh my gosh. Where did you get that bag?” Okay, I am totally guilty of asking that question but I do truly love to get to know people on another level. Ever since I was little I have studied – study the way people move, interact, dress, and who they are. I am notorious for asking a million questions (I get it from my dad) and trying to really figure out how everything works. What I love most about people – everyone has their own story. You just have to ask the right questions to find it out.

Lately I have been on a journey to connect and to really dig deeper. I am a FIRM believer in that everything happens for a reason. Certain instances in life (good or bad), people you meet, relationships you have, books you read – it all leads you to the path and growth you are supposed to take. Being that I ask a million questions there have always been two which have been off limits – Religion and Politics. Since I am very passionate about both it is a struggle for me to avoid these. Since I feel a tug toward digging into the spiritual side more, I’ve turned to religion to discuss. Yup, I have done the totally “un-PC” thing to do and started to ask those I admire their religious and or spiritual beliefs. Basically, what grounds them? Not that I want to judge or be judged in return, or that I want to try to sway them, but because I am genuinely interested. I have a real thirst to learn more and understand those around me. I think part of being on a “spiritual quest” means asking those you respect lots of questions and being open to what they say. I really believe everyone has a very unique and individual perspective on things and if you are open to listening to them, you may discover something you never knew.

I must admit – over the years I have been amazed at where my life events have taken me. I have been challenged, down, up, and opened. I have discovered new things and questioned old, but I have always known it is part of my “life’s journey.” It really is a beautiful circle. Maybe that is why I connect so much with travel – it just reinstates how many magical things there are yet to see or connect with in the world! One book in particular which I have fallen in love with is Soul Secrets by Miki Jacobs.  Trust me – I know this book probably isn’t for everyone but it was one of the first times I have read a book where I go, “Wow, this book is exactly what I need, at this exact time (all part of the plan).”

Since this post is probably the most raw I have written I have to admit – I am not quite sure why I felt the need to write it. But I did. All I am hoping is that at least one person out there connects to it and feels inspired to keep pursing their journey!

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Hotel Au Vieux Panier

Be still my heart. While this hotel room may cause some of you a panic attack it has me chomping at the bits to get on a plane and reserve a room. The Half Graffiti Room at hotel Au Vieux Panier is just about the coolest thing I have ever seen. Not only is it mind blowing that they created a completely two-sided room but the graffiti is out of this world. However, as excited as it makes me it appears I am three years too late!

Hotel Au Vieux Panier, located in Marseille France is one of the most badass hotels I have ever read about. The hotels concept is six rooms for six artists. The idea is to offer an artist a three-dimensional canvas and have people sleep in an artwork. They believe it gives the opportunity to visitors to see art in a different way, entering an artist’s universe. Every year the hotel calls for entries and then selects the most striking and interesting universe. Each year for about a month the hotel is closed and the new artists begin work on their creations. The idea that rooms change yearly is incredibly cool, however, I am a bit sad I am so late to the game! I would have loved a chance to stay in this room!

For this years room selection you can check out Hotel Au Vieux Panier’s website!

photos by designer + photographer Big Addict


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