Instagram Upload

I am one of those people who really thinks about my Instagram snaps. Not that it totally dictates what I post but I like to take time to make sure I get a good snap. I love photography and can literally get lost on accounts where the editing is cohesive, you can tell they spent time getting the right angle, and they always have a wide variety of locations. I am still working on growing my photography knowledge and skills (something I am dedicating 2015 to)  for the blog, but I am always amazed at what people can do with an iphone and editing app. And sometimes, I even surprise myself with my snaps!

I don’t always post everything to my blog but am wildly consistent on Instagram. So if you can’t find me updated here, you know where to find me! @sothentheysayblog

Check out my latest Insta posts below…

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1. a cup of coffee at Selfridges with my love and a shot of Albert Bridge in London (one of my favorite spots to visit)

2. Walking the streets of Chelsea, London and finding excellent contrast via black-and-white buildings in London

3. Wearing my new favorite Elephant necklace and sharing my excitement that the hubs joined me in London

4. The new and very improved Sketch restaurant in London (must see) and wearing one of my favorite color combos – all white

5. Showing my new favorite Zara coat and stealing kisses in Hyde Park

6. My favorite Zara hat and a beautifully coordinated door in London

7. Follow my travel # to find more beautiful buildings like this (#sttstravels) and taking in the childlike spirit of children playing in London

8. The best sushi in Dallas – Oishii and sharing a yummy cup of espresso in the clouds

9. Sharing my Texas style guest bedroom decor and AGIC magical bed in London

Pale Pink

Sometimes a girl needs pink. After a few months of wearing loads of blacks and grey’s a pop of color is always welcomed. Well, a muted pop of color. See, there I go being one of those people. Pink is what I like to call a “judgmental” color. Not that it does the judging but judging is done by those who wear it. If it is too bright you are automatically “that” girl. Or if you style it a certain way you are often times put into a certain category. It really is quite the judgmental color and I am totally guilty of it too.  If I walk into a room and see someone wearing bright pink I automatically think, well, we probably won’t have much in common. Isn’t that terrible? I really can’t believe I just admitted that. But to save you from thinking I am a cold-hearted, pink judging bitch, I admit, the more I test out pink the more I realize it is such a beautiful color! It honestly looks good on just about everyone and holds its own in a crowded room. SO, long story short, buy something pink! Because even if you are judged by terrible people like me, you will still look like a goddess!

so-then-they-say-14 so-then-they-say-13 so-then-they-say-4-3 so-then-they-say-2-3

Zara leather pant (faux leather similar and under $60) and sweater (similar and 30% off), Elizabeth and James Layfayette sunnies, Christian Louboutin Pigalle heel (my favorite shoe on earth)

Accessories // Bauble Bar pearl Gemini bracelet (borrowed from Molly), ,Daniel Wellington Classic St. Andrews c/o,  Elizabeth and James Torrens Pinky ringJane Pope Thin Twig ring c/o, Dana Rebecca Lauren Joy necklace,


Shop more pink // under $76

Best Apps for Foreign Language

After writing about my new passion for learning French I received an awesome amount of support from all of you encouraging me to keep it up and also sharing your own passions to learn a new language. One of the best tools I have discovered to help are language apps/programs. There are so many out there that you are bound to find one which  helps you on your search. Since I have been a connoisseur of language apps over the past few months I thought I would share a few that I have found very useful in hopes it helps you on your journey! The following are apps/programs I personally use, although I know there are thousands others yet to be explored. If you ever have any questions or any recommendations for me please send them over –

The best way I have found to fully utilize the apps is to be in a place without distractions. I usually love to listen to these when I am at the airport, in the car, or on a walk. I always think of the scene from Love Actually where Colin Firth is trying to learn Portuguese for his new love. The camera pans down the row and everyone is trying to learn a different language. It looks both encouraging and overwhelming at the same time! As can be said about learning a new language! But, none of us are alone! The best way I learn is by repetition so try to practice a little bit everyday! Once we feel better skilled, I say plan a trip to the country to which you are learning so you have a reward at the end of this very long and often times challenging journey! France, here I come!

Radio Lingua Network – I absolutely love RLN! They label it Coffee Break as each session is 20 minutes long and designed for you to learn while on your “coffee break” at work. I usually listen to this while I am walking my dog Annie! The lessons are extremely quick and really easy to follow. They have a fluent speaker and then a student like you to help repeat the sentences and learn “with you.” You can download this in itunes or to your phone via the podcast app.

Duolingo – I have worked with Duolingo for a while and really like its easy process. Others trying to learn language sing its praise! While in Germany with my in-laws, I discovered their cousin had learned German via this app. That is some serious referral cred. What I love most about Duolingo is that it turns learning into a game. The more answers you get correct the more currency you’ll earn. It aims to teach you a foreign language via repetition, conversation, and audibly speaking. You can play alone or dual with a friend! It makes it fun and easy – just be sure to stay on top of it. Each day you don’t practice you lose currency and have to repeat those lessons. Repetition, repetition, repetition.

Rosetta Stone – I have by far worked with Rosetta Stone the longest. I must admit, I absolutely hated it at first. I grew really frustrated with its process of having you memorize statements and less about learning why a certain sentence formed the way it did. I actually was so displeased with it I signed up for french classes at a local school to learn the ins and outs of french. It wasn’t until recently that I grew to respect Rosetta Stone and its process. While I still don’t love that it doesn’t teach you why, I can honestly say, I learned a lot without even knowing it! These other apps are much easier because I have a solid foundation of vocab words via Rosetta Stone.

Memrise – I am an extremely visual learner so this app is perfect for me or anyone who is similar. It uses visuals to help you learn phrases and words. Each word or phrase is paired with memorable cartoons, sentences, or phrases that should help you remember what that particular phrase means. Typically each one has multiples so you can choose the one that sticks in your mind the best. Each time you’ve learned a few new words, you are then quizzed on what you’ve covered to keep everything fresh in your mind.


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