Weezie Beach Towels

Shop The Towel // Weezie Beach Towel // Weezie Beach Towel Bundle

When we moved into this house one of my main priorities for our outdoor area was to make it feel like we were at a boutique hotel. We didn’t have a pool in our old house so I was able start from scratch. I started with the furniture. I researched a lot but was very decisive once I found what I liked. My husband has a very European mentality of, “buy something of quality once and never again.” With that in mind I settled on Serena and Lilly. Their items were not only gorgeous but upon research the seemed to be made with great care. you can read about the outdoor furniture here.

Next on my list was beach towels. I wanted to have beautiful beach towels that my guests would want to use. My mother-in-law has Hermes beach towels and I always love getting out of the pool knowing I get to wrap up in a cozy towel. I had this dream of having a basket of Hermes beach towels so my guest could feel the same way I do when I get out of my in-laws pool. My dream was quickly crushed when I saw the price of each towel! I will save you the google search and let you know they are $580 a towel. My dream would wait.

I ended up going from Hermes to Amazon. I know. I know. I am surprised myself. But I found these striped beach towels “for an exceptional price” that went perfectly with our outdoor furniture. And they were great! We used them almost everyday last summer. And they were so inexpensive I didn’t care if Eleanor dropped watermelon on them. However, I pulled them out to use this summer, and like most inexpensive things, they didn’t stand the test of time. The last few months I have really been struggling with the idea of fast fashion and “quick, inexpensive” purchases. They don’t last and it seems so wasteful to have the mentality, “That is okay. I can always replace it.” I want to learn and stick with Brice’s concept of, the initial cost might hurt up front but if you buy quality, you buy it once.

So the search continued for beach towels to use this summer. I wanted quality but I still can’t bring myself to spend $580 a towel. This is when I got an e-mail from Weezie that they were launching a beach towel line. This seemed too good to be true considering I am a HUGE fan of theirs. I have their robe and bathroom towels and love them both so much. They make beautiful items but always keep quality in mind. This was the exact solution I needed.

I received my Weezie Beach Towel bundle (you can also buy single towels) and could not believe the softness and weight of each towel. They were almost identical to the Hermes towels I had fallen for years before. Ya’ll these towels are STUNNING and for a 1/3 of the cost of ONE Hermes towel, you can get FOUR Weezie beach towels. We have used them almost everyday for the past few weeks ago and I have washed them just as much (and they look brand new after every wash). I am so beyond excited to finally find a towel that I don’t have to sacrifice my wallet for quality. All I can say is, my search is finally over and I got everything I wanted/needed!

Shop the Towel:
Weezie Beach Towel
Weezie Beach Towel Bundle

Frances Hart

Outfit Details // Frances Hart Shirred Neck Collared Dress, Frances Hart White Blouse, Frances Hart Yoked Shirt Dress, Frances Hart Drawstring Poplin Dress

I am blown away. I have laid my eyes on the  MOST beautiful maturity clothing to ever exist: Frances Hart. The details, fabric, and stitching are all so beautiful it is hard to put into words. Right before this package arrived I was having a conversation with my husband. I was going through all of Eleanor’s old clothing and getting them ready for Eloise. 99.9% of what I bought or received for Eleanor was of the highest quality or from artisans or small businesses. It wasn’t until about 6 months when I threw in the towel and purchased a pack of onesies from H&M. She spit up, A LOT, so I wanted something she could ruin and I wouldn’t care. However, as I sat there going through her old clothing, I was blown away at how beautiful all of the items I had spent a little bit more money on had kept and how the H&M items completely changed (for the worse). I ended up getting rid of everything from H&M which made me feel beyond wasteful.

I told my husband how going forward I wanted to buy as few fast fashion items as possible because in the end, they become so wasteful. I would rather save and spend on quality items that last, than fill our world with items that lasted a few months. Now, I love a good Zara dress as much as the next girl but after going through the bin of clothing I just couldn’t stomach the waste of  inexpensive clothing. It honestly hurt my heart.

That was a bit of a tangent but receiving the box from Frances Hart only solidified my new way of thinking. Each piece is so exquisite and well-made. They are items I want to wear now and later. I have even talked to my tailor about altering the dresses for postpartum. I can’t adequately describe the quality of Frances Hart but I can highly recommend them to any expectant mother. Imagine investing in a dress that you can wear while pregnant but is equally as beautiful for postpartum. You kill two birds with one stone.  There was such a void in the market for pieces like this so I am so excited to discover them and cherish their pieces for years to come.

shop the dress here: Frances Hart Shirred Neck Collared Dress

shop the dress here: Frances Hart Yoked Shirt Dress

Shop the dress here: Frances Hart Drawstring Poplin Dress

Eleanor’s Bow Art – Monica Ajenjo

One of the questions I get asked the most is about the art in our home, particularly Eleanor’s bow art. I love finding new artists and art. I spend hours getting lost on Artsy and Instagram hoping to find the piece I can’t live without. With Eleanor’s bow art I felt that way when I saw it. I couldn’t live without it. However, I can’t take one ounce of credit. My designer, Molly Graham, also has a love for art and has the most impeccable eye for it (it is very similar to mine). When she showed me Monica Ajenjo’s bows I died. They were so fun and exactly what I imagined going in Eleanor’s big girl room.

Upon first glance most people think it is a 3-d sculpture. I admit I was one of those people. When it arrived and it was a painting on canvas  I was blown away. Monica does such an amazing job of making the bow’s both fun and lifelike. It was the cherry on top of a very fun little girls room!

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