What My Mom Has Taught Me

A few years ago my mom was diagnosed with a life threatening illness. It was my freshman year of college and it stopped us all in our tracks. For a while she thought it was the flu but after multiple rounds of tests she found out it was not. My entire life my parents have been there for everything. My mother sacrificed a professional career (which was going extremely well) to raise us children. She wanted to be there for us and show us what true love from a mother meant. And she did! For all of the 18 years I lived with my parents, I have never felt so loved (until I got married). My family is my pack and I often times take on the mother lion role – if you mess with them, beware! No, but seriously they are my entire world so finding out one of them was sick, especially my superwoman, was debilitating. You may wonder why I am telling you all of this. “What a sad depressing story.” Well, fear not! It has a happy ending.

My mother, aka superwoman, was diagnosed with a disease that takes many of the lives it inhabits. My mother is an anomaly! Through intense dedication to medicine, diet, and exercise a woman who couldn’t even get out of bed for nine months just got back the best test results yet – remission! I won’t bore you with the details of what she did to get to this point but she placed a heavy emphasis on diet and exercise (or as much as she could). If I could count the number of times I heard, “Take care of your body now or it will catch up with you in later years,” I would be a rich woman! I heard her, but I didn’t hear her. If that makes sense? I was listening but not taking it to heart. I saw her getting better but I couldn’t make that necessary lifestyle change that it would take. But now that I heard the words “remission” I can see how important it is.

The last few weeks have got me thinking about how badly I do want to be in good health for my future! I don’t want to look back and say, “I wish I would have…” So, for the past few weeks I have been taking classes at Preston Hollow Pure Barre. I can’t say they have been easy but they  have been extremely rewarding. Britta, the owner, has really been encouraging and even when I miss a few days, she helps me pick right back up where I left off. The entire environment has been super friendly and a place I look forward to going to time and time again. Not only do I feel stronger but I feel better about myself – that I am actually taking action for a better future! I know that sounds cheesy but it is true. I can’t say that I won’t enjoy a good meal or two but I am taking baby steps toward the right direction! I am finally listening to my mother and her words are coming through loud and clear!



I am really honored to take on the role as ambassador for Preston Hollow Pure Barre! So, if you have any questions at all please please feel free to e-mail me! I would love to see you in a class!

Also, tonight at 6:45pm you can attend a class for $20 and all proceeds will go to the Red Cross!

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4 thoughts on “What My Mom Has Taught Me

  1. I am honored to read your sweet words. This journey is not one I would wish for anyone, but it is especially nice to know the words I have shared so often have made an impact. The only other thing I might add is to surround yourself with amazing people every single day. They are often the reflection of the person we wish to be.

    It is the family and friends I have around me who have inspired me to rise above the challenges in my path.

  2. I attend Pure Barre in Huntsville, AL and absolutely love it. It kept me in shape during my recent pregnancy and helped my body bounce back afterwards. (I still have a few pounds to lose, but that due to not laying off the sweets 😉 ) I’ve been to a few different studios across the state and every one has been full of encouraging instructors!

  3. So glad your mother is in remission! Illnesses in the family are always so hard.
    I really need to start doing something to take care of my body better. But I always put it off saying I’ll get it it some day…

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