Fact- I am from Montgomery which is a smaaaalllll town in Texas. Growing up I never really felt like I fit in. It is an amazing place with lots of golf courses, a lake, and pretty country fields but I couldn’t wait to leave. Like any high schooler I wanted to get out as quickly as I could so I could meet new people who had common interest, travel, and see the world. I never liked being in a small town and hated the practices but after seeing other cultures I realized mine wasn’t so bad and now I actually get excited to go back.
These photos are from my old blog but I thought now was a perfect time to bring them back out. I am headed home after work today and am b-e-y-o-n-d excited to see my family. With all of the recent traveling and work I have really missed them.
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I have always been fascinated by photography. I have spent countless hours studying photographs of people, while considering the angles, the lighting, and the editing the photographer used. I love the fact that photography has the amazing ability to transport us to a different time, or place with one single shot.
It was not until I started blogging that I decided to take photography more seriously. With camera in hand, I started experimenting with photographs of my apartment, of friends, and family. It was after experimenting in this way that I realized my passion for photography. I have no formal training or background in this field, but I realize that passion can open your eyes to the impossible, so not only did I invest in the proper equipment I also spent the necessary time to learn everything I could to enhance the skill it takes to be proficient with this passion.
I enjoy, and appreciate the opportunity to photograph bloggers, couples, influencers who make an impact in their profession, families, and also lifestyle type setting. I take an individual approach to each person I photograph. I make every effort to embrace and highlight the focus of what they are trying to convey to their audience with each session.
I look forward to working together and capturing the potential magnificence of your moments through my eyes and the lens of my camera.
great photos!!! I love it–enjoy your family time!!
There’s nothing like going home again 🙂
x shelby
I love this look. The check shirt kind of reminds me of Britney back in her Hit Me Baby days. But in the best way possible! x
Beautiful photos!!
Really nice pictures.
The pictures are amazing! I grew up in a small town too and had the same feelings when I was a teenager but now I love coming back home.
xx Olga
La Petite Olga
lovely pictures! amazing how time changes the glasses through which we view our home towns. I couldn’t wait to leave my small Arkansas town after high school, and now going home is such a joy! enjoy your recharging
I love these photos!!! And its funny what leaving home does to you. I haven’t really left home but I am out of the house, only 15 minutes away, but it’s a start. I feel like I may end up in NYC because that is where a lot of fashion is these days but even then its not far from me (hour train ride) but the culture there is SO different and fast paced!
Love that top.
I love the styling of the blue gingham shirt here. And I totally feel you on the small town thing. I’m from a tiny place in CT and was so ready to get out come high school. It’s nice to visit now though! Have a great weekend.
These pictures are AMAZING – love the backdrop!! 🙂