Resourceful Celine Mini

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Skip this paragraph if you are prone to getting light headed— What a night the hubs and I had! In his attempt to surprise me with a delicious dinner he proceeded to slice half of his thumb off. Here is the story– I get a rather calm call from him asking when I would be home because he cut himself and needed some help. Brice never calls for help so I immediately knew it is worse than what he is leading on. After racing home with numerous thoughts of how bad it could be and picturing him passed out on the floor from loss of blood (yes I am dramatic) I finally made it to the scene of the crime. I could not have prepared myself for what I saw. It was a true moment of, “okay, you’re okay. Put any thoughts of woozyness out of your mind and help him out.” After many bandages, trips to the pharmacy, and screams of pain, we made it. As bad as it was it was a total, “ah-ha” moment. Have you ever wondered if you would be strong enough to really be there for someone who was in pain? I have. I have wondered what type of mom I will be since I can’t stand throw-up or blood and often get light-headed at the thought of the latter. But, after last night, I know I can step up to the plate when needed. It was one of the worst experiences to see someone you love so much in an incredible amount of pain, but I was so happy I could be there for him! This incredibly long and horrible story leads me to why I am so late posting. I was totally thrown for a loop last night and instead of putting together my post, I was putting pressure on his thumb.

I now have the morning to myself and am just getting around to my posting! I have been wanting to share this mini version of my new bag, but didn’t know how to debut! Isn’t it just the cutest thing you have ever seen? The bag I bought came with a mini pouch for lipsticks, cellphones, ect. so they are easy to find in such a large bag. To be honest, who cares about putting your lipstick in a pouch? I didn’t want this little treasure to be hidden from the world, so I grabbed a chain from another bag and clipped it to this one. I was in the market for a cross-body bag so when I saw the big bag came with a mini version, I was sold! Have you seen such a resourceful Celine? Being that I am not into DIY, I was quite proud of myself! I totally killed two birds with one stone purchase.

Celine All Soft Handbag // Different Color and On Sale

Be sure not to miss the XNY watch giveaway below! Ends this Wednesday!

I Really Love My… Ankle Booties


First off, today is Friends and Family sale at SHOPBOP! Take 25% off your entire order with INTHEFAMILY25! ….25% OFF YOUR ENTIRE ORDER!!!! Yay!!! I have had my eye on this dressthis dress, paired with these shoes, and this amazing clutch (I love Sophie Hulme)! But there is always this timeless jacket.

I hope you stayed on this post, and didn’t jet off immediately to the Shopbop sale, long enough to read what it is about. If you know me or my style you know I love my leather and my ankle booties. I live in them! They are my go-to options and there isn’t a week that goes by I don’t wear them. Knowing this, you will understand my distraught when I came home to my dog, Annie, and her doggy boyfriend, Barkley, chewing on my beloved ankle booties. I called my husband, who was at work and couldn’t do anything about it, just to tell him about the terrible situation and then cry. I was so sad. I ran to the Internet to try to find my exact ones, and then to the mall but sadly they are discontinued. Since there isn’t a way to get my original ankle booties back, I decided to accumulate a list of one’s that I really liked and were similar to the originals. I haven’t pulled the trigger yet, but hope to do so soon! I wanted to share my list of look-a-likes with you in case you are going through the same battle of finding the perfect, brown, ankle bootie!

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