The first dance is can be quite awkward, with everyone standing in a circle watching you. It always seemed intimidating to me as I am not a great dancer but I knew it would be amazing with Brice. I fell in love with Brice, who is an amazing dancer, on the dance floor a little over four years ago and getting to dance with him as a newly wedded couple was really special. I just remember how much I loved moving with him, as weird as that sounds. My next favorite part was the incredible speech my dad gave. It touched my heart and I will never forget how proud (and nervous) he was in that moment. The entire night started off perfect! Stay tuned next week for more from the reception.
Catching Up
David Lerner leather shorts (similer on major sale), Vince sweater, Emily Rosendahl clutch, Zara shoes, Ray Ban sunglasses, Low Luv ring
I just got back from NYC late last night and am trying to play catch-up with the blog and e-mails (sorry if I haven’t responded yet). While I was gone my site re-design was completed (YAY!!!) which means I am still trying to figure everything out! It was a little late last night, by the time I got home, to prepare a wedding post for today but I will have one up tomorrow! I am excited to share reception pictures! We danced our a*&es off!
This past fashion week was my favorite, yet! I was able to see a lot of blogger pals, as well as spend the weekend with some of my best Dallas buddies (a piece of toast + dallas wardrobe). We shared lots of laughs in our hotel room (Hudson Hotel), went to fun dinners, shows, and various events; all in all a very successful weekend. I hope to share more pictures of what I wore next week so stay tuned!
Also, be sure to check out, In My Bag, on Bauble Bar! I was so honored (and a little scared) to spill open my bag! See whats inside now…
Surprise! I hope you all like the new layout! I have been working on it since April and am so excited to finally share it with you. Katie helped bring my vision into reality and designed the S*&$ out of it! Eek, so excited it is finally live! Do you love? Because I do. A lot.
I am off to meetings in NYC but be sure to follow me on Instagram with #MASinNYC.
(Image via Always Judging)