Nordstrom Half Yearly Sale


Yes, it is that beautiful time of year when there are lots of sales. I am such a bargain hunter (unless I really love someone) that I get giddy at the site of a sale! Growing up I would always tell my dad I “saved $…” Much to his dismay, he would inform me but you still spent, “$…” Uhg, he never understood, but seriously, I still feel like I “save” money when there is a sale even though I am still spending. Whichever way you look at it, sales are tres bien! My last conquest was the Biscuit Home sale where I bought this incredibly adorable quilt for one of my guest bedrooms, a few gifts for my nieces, and these sheets that will go perfectly with my new bedding! But the sale that has me waking up happy this morning? Nordstrom’s half yearly. Holy mecca of womanly goodness – make-up, skincare, perfumeshoes, swimclothing, home goods, and gifts, ALL on sale! I mean, how cute are these Rag & Bone Croc embossed sandals. And remember when I wrote about EACH X OTHER? Every one of their pieces is one sale. I have had my eye on this Metallic Leather Terry sweatshirt since seeing in a few weeks ago in Canary and it is now 40% off! If you are a bargain gal like me – may the odds be ever in your favor.. Just kidding! That was so cheesy! But seriously, happy hunting shopping!

Monroe Trade Rolling Racks

monroe-trade-rolling-rack monroe-trade-rolling-rack monroe-trade-rolling-rack monroe-trade-rolling-rack

Rolling racks are a great way to decorate, fill space, organize, and/or display cool pieces of clothing. I always loved seeing designer offices with rolling racks which held only a few special pieces. It made the room feel professional and cool. Right now the best places to get a rolling rack are container store, target, and other places like that, but they aren’t always the coolest thing around. Most of their rolling racks are for laundry rooms or storage units – not so great for display. After Insagram stalking a few of my favorite bloggers I came across Monroe Trades via Serena Goh of The Spicy Stiletto. She posted a photo of her display and I was stopped in my tracks scrolling. It.was.perfect! The rack was industrial quality with a NYC edge. Patrick, the creator, says it best about his pieces, “A little leather, metal, paint, wood and elbow grease.” Any product that is American made with a “little elbow grease” is probably something worth investing in! I mean these are just pure brilliance.


Now that I have your space looking half way cool, one part about a good rolling rack is the accessories that are on it. You can’t have a beautiful piece like the one’s above and put wire hangers on it. No, no, no! So what do you do? You get as equally beautiful hangers. Not those clear or black, but metal. Berlin based designers from Roomsafari have officially created the most unique and beautiful hangers I have ever seen. The Triangle Hanger is a rolling rack must-have and probably worth buying extra to hang on a wall as art. The industrial meets sleek design is absolutely wall worthy!

Now that I have introduced you to probably the coolest partnership since the Spice Girls, you have absolutely no excuse for poor display. Just kidding, just kidding! But do keep them both in mind for any of your office or closet needs! You will probably be the coolest girl/guy on the block!

images via Monroe Trade

Book Makeover

mary-summers-home-decor-2 mary-summers-home-decor-8 mary-summers-home-decor-11 mary-summers-home-decor-13 mary-summers-home-decor

Growing up in school I was always the book covering whiz. I could cover a book in 5 seconds flat. A seriously cool trait that I was quite proud of. I mean, having a book that was neatly covered was important to me. It was an accessory that went with the rest of your outfit. Sloppy book = sloppy look. I couldn’t have that. I was also always paranoid of damaging the book and having to pay for it at the end of the year. Again, seriously cool trait. I never bought special paper to cover the book, I always used the back of the typical cover they gave us. They were always neat, all white, and clean. No fuss! Fast forward almost nine years (yikes has it been that long) and I needed a new and fresh way to spruce up a few empty spaces in my home. Oh, and I wanted to do it low cost (you’re welcome hubby).

Being the self-proclaimed book covering expert that I am, I had an idea. I could go to the half-priced books, buy as many $1 as I could, and then cover them with beautiful paper. Done and done. I have been obsessing over Malachite for months and since the hubby vetoed me making curtains (for now) I had a brilliant idea – book covers! I first searched for malachite wrapping paper and settled on this beautiful print from Spoonflower. The paper itself is stunning and really sturdy! I definitely feel like I got my money’s worth.  After purchasing that I thought it would be cool to mix the Malachite print with a stripe (I LOVE stripes) and purchased a roll of that from Zazzle. I was set and so excited to get this project started – which is extremely rare because I HATE crafts (little known fact).

When the paper arrived I cleaned off my counter and started to cover some books. Only one minor problem – okay the entire project – but I totally forgot how to cover a book. After a few you tube videos and a few books that look less than perfect I got back into my groove. I was so frustrated because I had just learned how to wrap a great book again and I was on my third to last one. Uhg! I placed the books throughout the home (some examples above) and am feeling really great about my day of crafting! They added so much pop and pattern to the rooms and I believe I spent a total of $50. You couldn’t even buy ONE accessory for that! Proud moment in the Hafner House!

psst…need a bedding makeover? My FAVORITE home store, Biscuit Home, is having a 20% off sale now through Wed.!

Use code Biscuit20 at checkout! GO, GO, GO!!!


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