UNDRESS Clothing

After becoming a mom the amount of nice clothing I need has diminished. My new normal is having some kind of food or drool on me at any moment of the day. I need more Gap & Zara and less of the designers I used to love investing in. That being said, I don’t love spending a lot of money on fast fashion. I think it is a dangerous game to play (in terms of over-consumption and our environment). So with investment pieces out, and trying to cut back on fast fashion, I really found a void in clothing that was priced between $200-$350. It seems everything is way less expensive or way more. A lot of the dresses I found around $200 are either too boho or too beachy.

I am not even sure how I found UNDRESS but it was love at first click. I died at how beautiful the dresses were and almost didn’t click further as I was sure it would be $1000. I.WAS.WRONG. Most dresses are all priced between $200-$400. Because each piece is so timeless and a closet staple I have zero qualms about spending that amount on one item. You can wear one of these dresses for a date night, baby/wedding shower, a wedding, or cocktails!

Finally, I can breathe a sigh of relief that such a brand exists! Thank you UNDRESS for filling a massive void in the market!

SHOP UNDRESS (click here)

First Row // 1, 2, 3

Second Row  // 1, 2, 3

Third Row // 1, 2, 3

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