Oui Please


I love travel and I love Paris. Those two things are a brainier when it comes to pleasing me. People always ask what I love most about Paris and it is always the same answer – the architecture, the romance, the atmosphere, the cafes, and the local shops. I love walking the streets and popping into random stores or cafes along the way. There is nothing better than finding the perfect item in Paris. It just holds so much more weight than say, if you bought something similar in NYC. “No, no, this item came from Paris.” Doesn’t it just sound better? But since I am 27 and don’t have millions in the bank, I can’t always jet off to Paris whenever I would like. Really, such a shame! But now, I, and you other French lovers, can have the next best thing, Oui Please – a carefully curated box full of items from France.

Oui Please comes from the makers of BeFrench (another site I love). Each delivery is a different experience from various regions in France. So you don’t only get the best from Paris but from all over France. I just received my first box and let me tell you, it didn’t disappoint. Everything from a sweatshirt from Les Petities, shower gel from Sothys, a bag from 1951 Maison Francaisecrackers from Marlette, and so, so much more! Each box is valued at over $400 (but you pay far less) – which is much cheaper than that $1500 plane ticket you were just looking at! While there is no replacing the actual experience of visiting France, Oui Please is definitely the next best option! Consider it for yourself or as a gift for that person in your life who can never get enough of travel or France!

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all images via oui please

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